The Caregiver Foundation

Youth Caregiver Support

Know of any caregiving youth impacted by the Maui wildfires? We want to help!
Click here to learn about our financial support, specifically available for Maui caregiving youth.

The Caregiver Foundation is committed to providing practical, financial, and emotional support to Hawaii’s caregiving youth through a variety of programs supported by community partnerships and grants. The Caregiver Foundation would like to specifically acknowledge the support and guidance of the American Association of Caregiving Youth in developing this program. 

This page contains an overview on caregiving youth and links to the Youth Caregiver Resource List and Youth Caregiver Financial Assistance Fund

Who are Caregiver Youth?

Caregiver youth (also referred to as “young carers”) are young people who provide unpaid care for someone with a physical illness, a disability, a mental health condition, or a substance use disorder. The care they provide may be practical (like helping someone take their medication), emotional (like helping someone cope with their emotions), or physical (such as helping someone get around the house). Caregiving youth may support a parent, a grandparent, a sibling, or another loved one.

According to a report from the National Alliance of Caregivers and United Hospital Fund, 1.4 million children in the U.S. provide caregiving support to a family member–that’s nearly 2% of the country’s population of children (although this number is assumed to be an underestimate). Among Hawai’i’s nearly 306,000 youth, this would equate to at least 5,821 youth caregivers in the state. New research suggests that this number may have increased since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

How can The Caregiver Foundation Help?

If you are a young caregiver looking for support, please contact us! We can be reached over the phone at (808)-625-3782, or via e-mail at

Through community partnerships and grants, The Caregiver Foundation is able to offer:

For Professionals:

Looking for resources to support caregiving youth in your life? Check out our resource list or contact us for more information! You can e-mail us directly at

Thank you!

We couldn’t do this work without support from so wonderful people and organizations! Thanks to our collaborators at the American Association of Caregiving Youth for their guidance, and to our funders at the Hawai’i Community Foundation and the Amazing Care Network!